
From this page you can always download the latest version of HSPiP. All users get free upgrades for life. And you can also get copies of key datasets, papers, theses, Powerpoint presentations that explore individual issues in depth.

HSPiP 6.1.02 Installer

This runs on all versions of Windows (except ancient 32x versions). It installs the software into Program Files\Hansen-Solubility-6, then the eBook (as a standalone PDF), Help files and a large set of data files you can freely use and modify are placed in My Documents/HSPiP Data. Check the HSPiP Version Information.docx to see all the changes since your current version.

Users can keep their old 5th Edition in the Hansen-Solubility\HSPiP folder so they can compare with 6th Edition DIY values. Please copy the license from that folder into the new Hansen-Solubility-6\HSPiP folder to enable the new edition.

Download 6.1.02 x64

If for any reason you want to re-install the last 5th Edition it is available here:
Download 5.4.08 x64

And for those who need the even older 4th Edition for historical comparison reasons, it is available here:
Download 4.1.7 x32

If you require any other specific version, please contact Steven via his address on the Contacts page.


For first-time purchasers and for users who want an upgrade (all users get free upgrades for life), the program is downloaded as a standard Microsoft msi installer. The download can be done at any time and there are no tiresome registration screens - the download link is direct.

Download the HSPiP Package Installer as HSPiPInstall.msi. Once downloaded, double click on the .msi file and it will install the program files into the relevant Microsoft Program Files folder and the many useful data files are installed in My Documents\HSPiP Data. By purchasing HSPiP you get a license file, which you place in the program files folder, typically c:\program files\Hansen-Solubility\HSPiP so that the program can automatically detect it.

We offer free updates to all users - just download from here and install over the previous version (no need to uninstall first). Users are usually notified of major updates but need to check here from time to time to see if there is a newer minor version. By clicking on HSPiP Version Information.docx they can check whether the latest features are worth the hassle of a download/install. Although the package includes a Help file, some users like to download it as a standalone file, HSPiP Help.rtf. There is also a separate Help document for the QSAR capabilities, HSPiP QHelp.rtf

Sustainable solvents for paints and coatings

A wonderful paper from the team of Prof Helen Seddon of the U York Green Chemistry Centre of Excellence, Laura Pilon et al, Development of a solvent sustainability guide for the paints and coatings industry, Green Chem., 2024, 26, 9697, gives two lists of more sustainable solvents for paints and coatings, having first defined what "sustainable" means and using objective criteria to score the solvents. These will be included in future releases of HSPiP. Till then, users can download the .hsdx and .sofx files with kind permission of Prof Seddon

A handy HSP Excel Spreadsheet

This has a list of HSP values for solvents and allows you to calculate HSP Spheres, optimize solvent blends, calculate Chi values etc. It was improved in 2019 by Dr Manuel Díaz de los Ríos, Director of Derivatives Division, ICIDCA (acknowledged with many thanks!). Download HSP_Calculations.xlsx.

There is a full, Open Source, paper on using the spreadsheet technique you can download from here, Manuel Díaz de los Ríos, Eduardo Hernández Ramos, Determination of the Hansen solubility parameters and the Hansen sphere radius with the aid of the solver add‑in of Microsoft Excel, SN Applied Sciences (2020) 2:676

Extra functionality

Dr Díaz de los Ríos' further developed a Double Sphere method which is so useful when you have a complex polymeric system and Rubén Murcia Belmonte, R&D Textile Printing Laboratory Manager en ASUTEX, collaborated to create the interface, graphics and other functionalities. Download it here HSP_Calculations_Ruben-Manuel.xlsx.

The chemicals included in HSPiP

To check out the chemicals included in the "Hansen" and "10K" datasets within HSPiP, download HSPiPDataSet.xls which contains just the chemical name and CAS # and distinguishes between the two datasets.

A 2021 update on PMMA Methanol diffusion

The PMMA Methanol absorption controversy continues, prompting this update view: Methanol PMMA Absorption With Horizontal Concentration Gradients.docx

A 2020 summary of diffusion science

2020 has provided Charles with a chance to provide an updated overview of some of the issues/controversies around diffusion. These documents capture the essence of some of the diffusion references below: Diffusion in Polymers 2020 Introductory text.docx and a Powerpoint version: Diffusion in Polymers 2020.pptx

A Different Interpretation of the Hedenqvist and Gedde (Polymer 1999) Study for n-Hexane Diffusion in Natural Rubber and Low Density Polyethylene

Response to a question on the effects of surface swelling stress on diffusion, July 1, 2013
The diffusion equation with a significant surface condition and exponential diffusion coefficients can satisfactorily model the experiments. A comparison of different approaches to model S-shaped absorption curves is given. Forget step-like, advancing fronts. The diffusion equation itself can apparently handle what is often called “time-dependent” phenomena. Download Hedenqvist and Gedde.pdf.

Understanding Absorption in Polymers: Key to Improving Barrier Properties

Presentation and Supplementary Text from talk at the 50th Nordic Polymer Days in Helsinki, May 29-31, 2013.
Download the presentation, Understanding Absorption In Polymers.pptx and the Supplementary Text.

In Defense of the Diffusion Equation (Why Mismatched Hansen Solubility Parameters Improve the Barrier Properties of Polymer Films)

February 22, 2013
A manuscript has been prepared to show that the diffusion equation can model all types of “anomalous” absorption (Sigmoidal/two-stage), Case II, and Super Case II) as well as desorption (film formation), and all stages of permeation. Since the diffusion equation itself has not been recognized earlier as being able to account for all of these, the manuscript has the title “In Defense of the Diffusion Equation”. Concentration dependent diffusion coefficients and/or a significant surface boundary condition are often required, especially when the “anomalies” are modeled. It is also confirmed that the HSP of a barrier polymer and solute should be as different as possible. This minimizes concentration gradients, reduces diffusion coefficients, and keeps the surface entry mass transfer coefficient low. An alternative title could well have been “Why Mismatched Hansen Solubility Parameters Improve the Barrier Properties of Polymer Films”.Download In Defense of the Diffusion Equation.pdf.

Surface Effects versus Bulk Phenomena as Explanations of “Anomalous” Absorption in Polymers

February 22, 2013
Problems with explanations for diffusion in polymers based exclusively on bulk phenomena are contrasted with successful modeling provided by the diffusion equation itself. None of the theories exclusively based on bulk phenomena are satisfactory. The diffusion equation must be solved for a significant surface condition as well as for concentration dependent diffusion coefficients for Case II and Super Case II. With increasing solute concentration the diffusion resistance becomes less and less important as absorption proceeds. The surface condition dominates at the final stages. There are at least three reasons for what is called sigmoidal absorption, depending on which kind of resistance is dominant at the start, and how this may change as the experiment proceeds. Download Surface versus Bulk.pdf.

Response to the Criticism of Petropoulos and Coworkers

Feb 22, 2013
Petropoulos and Coworkers have criticized my diffusion coefficient approach for explaining “anomalous” diffusion and stated that this could not model given experiments. I attempted to respond earlier as part of a full manuscript without success. The key portions of my response regarding the key experiments are included here in the document “Response to the Criticism of Petropoulos and Coworkers”, and in part in other documents being put onto the website at the same time that are more comprehensive. It has later been determined that the diffusion coefficient for the absorbing solvent that can be calculated from the data given by Petropoulos and Coworkers is several times larger than the self-diffusion coefficient for the solvent for absorption in the stretched direction in the critical experiment. Without this leakage there would not be a step-like advancing concentration gradient. Download Response to the Criticism of Petropoulos and Coworkers.pdf.

Reinterpreting Case II Absorption in PMMA

An analysis of the Thomas and Windle data for the absorption of methanol into PMMA can be downloaded as a PDF document. This report confirms that the diffusion equation can model Case II absorption without consideration of relaxation phenomena. Step-like concentration gradients advancing at a linear rate with time have been thought to be an inherent part of Case II type absorption in polymers. These are not found in this analysis of the data for the characteristic examples of Thomas and Windle. The diffusion equation solved with an exponential concentration dependent diffusion coefficient and a significant surface condition is shown to reproduce the experimental data for weight gain at the same time demonstrating the lack of step-like concentration gradients. The surface condition appears to be particularly important in the methanol/PMMA systems studied by Thomas and Windle. Methanol “fronts” meet at the center of a free film much more quickly than the iodine tracer “fronts" that give the impression of a step-like concentration gradient. The free film is saturated with methanol at the same time as the iodine tracer gets to its center only at or near 30°C. The iodine tracer molecules diffuse much more slowly than the methanol molecules as expected from literature data, making iodine unsuitable as a tracer for this system. Download Reinterpreting Case II Absorption in Polymers.pdf.

Reexamination of Super Case II – Data of Jacques, Hopfenberg, and Others

This is an analysis of experimental data with added theoretical examples. It is shown that Super Case II absorption can be successfully modeled by the diffusion equation with exponential diffusion coefficients and a significant surface condition. There is no need to consider relaxation or related phenomena as such. Download Reexamination of Super Case II.pdf.

Reinterpreting the Experiments of Carlà et al. for the Absorption of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide into PMMA

This is an analysis of experimental data for the absorption of supercritical carbon dioxide into 1 micron thick PMMA films applied to quartz microbalances. It is shown that a significant surface condition completely controls the absorption with flat concentration gradients in the film from the very start. Download Interpreting Absorption of Supercritical Carbon dioxide in PMMA.pdf.

Hansen doctoral thesis from 1967

This document is of historical interest but also contains much that remains fresh and relevant to HSP today. It is now in OCRd PDF format so it fully searchable. Download Hansen Doctoral Thesis.

HSP powerpoint presentation (Hansen)

A general overview of HSP from Charles Hansen and text to accompany this presentation. Download HSP Oct 2009.ppt and the accompanying text

Diffusion powerpoint presentation (Hansen)

An overview of Diffusion science and text to accompany the presentation. Download Diffusion July 2012.ppt and the accompanying text

A view of HSP from Agfa Labs

A presentation given at the AIMCAL Europe coatings symposium in Prague July 2012 by Dr Frank Ruttens of Agfa Lab, provided here with kind permission of Agfa Labs. Download F_Ruttens_HSP_Aimcal_2012_Prague.pdf

The official site of Hansen Solubility Parameters and HSPiP software.