Dr. techn. Charles M. Hansen
Monogram: Doctoral Dissertation: The Three Dimensional Solubility Parameter and Solvent Diffusion Coefficient, Their Importance in Surface Coating Formulation,
Danish Technical Press, Copenhagen, 1967. Download as a searchable PDF. -
Handbook: “Hansen Solubility Parameters: A User’s Handbook”,
CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton FL, 1999. 208 pages. ISBN: 0-8493-1525-5. Second edition (shown) 2007. 544 pages. ISBN: 9780849372483 -
eBook: Steven Abbott, Charles M. Hansen and Hiroshi Yamamoto,
Hansen Solubility Parameters in Practice – Complete with software, data, and examples, 1st ed. 2008, 2nd ed. 2009, 3rd ed. 2010, 4th ed. 2013, 5th ed. 2015. ISBN: 9780955122026. Available from
Recent articles of general significance
- Matthiesen SH, Hansen CM (2012)
Fast and Non-Toxic In Situ Hybridization without Blocking of Repetitive Sequences.
PLoS ONE 7(7): e40675. 38, pp. 470-494. On-line version -
Hansen, C.M.,
Polymer Science Applied to Biological Problems: Prediction of Cytotoxic Drug Interactions with DNA,
European Polymer Journal, Vol. 44, 2741-2748 (2008). - Hansen, C.M.,
“The significance of the surface condition in solutions to the diffusion equation: explaining ‘anomalous’ sigmoidal” Case II, and Super Case II absorption behavior",
European Polymer Journal, Vol. 46, 651-662 (2010).
- Hansen, C.M., and Sather, G.A.,
Molecular Weight Distribution of a Polyester,
J. Appl. Poly. Sci., 8, 2479-2484 (1964). - Hansen, C.M.,
Some Aspects of the Retention of Solvents in High Polymer Films,
Färg och Lack, 10, No. 7, 169-186 (1964). - Hansen, C.M.,
The Free Volume Interpretation of Plasticizing Effectiveness and Diffusion in High Polymers,
Official Digest, 37, No. 480, 57-77 (1965). (Roon Award) - Hansen, C.M.,
The Influence of Plasticizers on the Mechanical Properties of Lacquer Films (in Danish) (Blødgøreres Indflydelse på Lakfilms Mekaniske Egenskaber),
Dansk Kemi, 46, No. 7, 104-107 (1965). - Hansen, C.M.,
The Three Dimensional Solubility Parameter - Key to Paint Component Affinities I. - Solvents,
Plasticizers, Polymers, and Resins, J. Paint Techn., 39, No. 505, 104-117 (1967). - Hansen, C.M.,
The Three Dimensional Solubility Parameter - Key to Paint Component Affinities II. - Dyes,
Emulsifiers, Mutual Solubility and Compatibility, and Pigments, J. Paint Techn. 39, No 511, 505-510 (1967). - Hansen, C.M., and Skaarup, K.,
The Three Dimensional Solubility Parameter - Key to Paint Component Affinities III. - Independent Calculation of the Parameter Components,
J. Paint Techn. 39, No. 511, 511-514 (1967). - Hansen, C.M., and Skaarup, K.,
Some Aspects of the Three Dimensional Solubility Parameter,
Dansk Kemi, 48, 81-84 (1967). - Hansen, C.M.,
On Application of the Three Dimensional Solubility Parameter to the Prediction of Mutual Solubility and Compatibility,
Färg och Lack, 13, No. 6, 132-138 (1967). - Hansen, C.M.,
On Solubility and Diffusion in High Polymer Systems,
Dansk Kemi, 48, No. 9, 141-142 (1967). - Hansen, C.M.,
The Three Dimensional Solubility Parameter and Its Use I. Introduction and Non-Pigmented Systems,
Färg och Lack, 14, No. 1, 14-18 (1968); 14, No. 2, 23-25 (1968). - Hansen, C.M.,
The Measurement of Concentration-Dependent Diffusion Coefficients - The Exponential Case,
Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundamentals, 6, No. 4, 609-614 (1967). - Hansen, C.M.,
A Mathematical Description of Film Drying by Solvent Evaporation,
J. Oil Colour Chemists’ Assn., 51, No. 1, 27-43 (1968). - Hansen, C.M.,
The Universality of the Solubility Parameter,
Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., 8, No. 1, 2-11 (1969). - Hansen, C.M.,
Concepts of Solvent Evaporation Phenomena,
Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., 9, No. 3, 282-286 (1970). -
Hansen, C.M.,
Characterization of Surfaces by Spreading Liquids,
J. Paint Techn., 42, No. 550, 660-664 (1970). - Hansen, C.M., and Klauss, H.,
Mechanism of Paint Seeding,
Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., 10, No. 2, 189-192 (1971). - Hansen, C.M.,
Solubility in the Coatings Industry,
Färg och Lack, 17, No. 4, 69-77 (1971). - Hansen, C.M., and Beerbower, A.,
“Solubility Parameters” in Kirk-Othmer Encyclopaedia of Chemical Technology,
Suppl. Vol. 2nd Ed., A. Standen, Ed., Interscience, New York, 1971, pp. 889-910. - Hansen, C.M.,
“Solvent Selection by Computer” in Advances in Chemistry Series,
No. 124, Solvents Theory and Practice, Tess, R.W., Ed., American Chemical Society, Washington, 1973, pp. 48-55. - Hansen, C.M.,
Surface Dewetting and Coatings Performance,
J. Paint Techn., 44, No. 570, 57-60 (1972). - Hansen, C.M.,
Surface Roughness Profiles and Coatings Performance,
J. Paint Techn., 44, No. 570, 61-66 (1972). - Hansen, C.M.,
Solvents for Coatings,
Chemical Technology, 2, No. 9, 547-553 (1972). - Hansen, C.M.,
Quantitative Evaluation of Leveling by Surface Waviness Measurements,
Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., 11, No. 4, 426-428 (1972). - Hansen, C.M., and Knudtson, J.,
Spreading and Wetting of an Electrodeposition Coating (in German) (Ausbreitung und Benetzung bei einem Elektrotauchlack),
Farbe und Lack, No. 2, 115-118 (1973). - Hansen, C.M., and Pierce, P.E.,
Cellular Convection in Polymer Coatings - An Assessment,
Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., 12, No.1, 67-70 (1973). -
Quach, A. and Hansen, C.M.,,
Evaluation of Leveling Characteristics of Some Latex Paints,
J. Paint Techn., 46, No. 592, 40-46 (1974). - Hansen, C.M., and Pierce, P.E.,
Surface Effects in Coatings Processes,
XII Federation d’Associations de Techniciens des Industries des Peintures, Vernis, Emaux et Encres d’Imprimerie de l’Europe Continentale, Congress Book, Verlag Chemie, Weinheim/Bergstrasse, 1974, pp. 91-99; Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., 13, No. 4, 218-225, (1974). - Hansen, C.M.,
The Air Drying of Latex Coatings,
Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., No. 2, 150-152 (1974). - Hansen, C.M.,
Receding Contact Angles and Coatings Performance,
Färg och Lack, 22, No. 11, 373-377 (1976). - Hansen, C.M.,
Vinyl Chloride Retention in Solution Vinyl Coatings (in Danish) (Vinylchlorid Retention i Lakfilm Fremstillet ud fra Opløsninger),
Färg och Lack, 23, No. 3, 67-77 (1977); Vinyl Chloride Retention in Coatings formed from Solutions, J. Oil Colour Chemists Assoc., 60, No. 7, 245-248 (1977). - Hansen, C.M.,
Some Aspects of Acid/Base Interactions (in German) (Einige Aspekte der Säure/Base-Wechselwirkung),
Farbe und Lack, 83, No.7, 595-598 (1977). - Hansen, C.M.,
Solvents in Water-Borne Coatings,
Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev., 16, No. 3, 266-268 (1977). - Hansen, C.M., and Skaarup, K.,
Diffusion with Surface Boundary Resistance (in Danish) (Diffusion med Modstand i Grænselaget),
Färg och Lack, 23, No. 12, 355-367 (1977). - Hansen, C.M.,
Advances in the Technology of Solvents in Coatings,
XIV Federation d’Associations de Techniciens des Industries des Peintures, Vernis, Emaux er Encres d’Imprimerie de l’Europe Continentale, Congress Book, Budapest, 1978 pp. 97-105. - Hansen, W. and Hansen, C.M.,
Recycling and Disposal of Waste Products in the Danish Coatings Industry (in German) (Wiederverwendung und Deponierung von Abfall),
Farbe und Lack, 84, No. 9, 687-689, (1978). - Hansen, C.M.,
Re-Search for Opportunity,
J. Coatings Techn., 51, No. 651, 66-68 (1979). - Skaarup, K. and Hansen, C.M.,
Permeation with a Boundary Layer Resistance (in Danish) (Permeation med Grænseflademodstand),
Färg och Lack, 25, No. 9, 184-195 (1979). - Hansen, C.M.,
Why Blisters? (in Danish) (Hvorfor Blærer?),
Färg och Lack, 25, No. 10, 218-222 (1979). - Hansen, C.M., and Nielsen, K.B.,
The Behavior of Amines in Water-dilutable Coatings and Printing Inks,
J. Coatings Techn., 51, No. 659, 73-77 (1979). - Hansen, C.M.,
Diffusion in Polymers,
Poly. Eng. Sci., 20, No. 4, 252-258 (1980). - Skaarup, K. and Hansen, C.M.,
Concentration Dependence, Boundary Layer Resistance and the "Timelag" Diffusion Coefficient,
Poly. Eng. Sci., 20, No. 4, 259-263 (1980). - Nilsson, E. and Hansen, C.M.,
Moisture Movement in Painted Wood (in Swedish) (Fukt och Fuktvandring i Målat Trä),
Färg och Lack, 26, No. 6, 104-110 (1980). - Nilsson, E. and Hansen, C.M.,
Evaporation and Vapor Diffusion Resistance in Permeation Measurements by the Cup Method,
J. Coatings Techn., 53, No. 680, 61-64 (1981). - Hansen, C.M.,
Diffusion Coefficient Measurements by Solvent Absorption in Concentrated Polymer Solutions,
J. Appl. Poly. Sci., 26, 3311-3315 (1981). - Cunningham, G.P. and Hansen, C.M.,
Examination of Weathered Coatings by Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy,
J. Coatings Techn., 53, No. 682, 39-43 (1981). - Hansen, C.M.,
On Surface Energetics and the Optimization of Adhesion to Low Energy Surfaces,
Proceedings of the 7th Scandinavian Symposium on Surface Chemistry, Sept. 1981, K.S. Birdi, Ed., LTT Tryk, Technical Univ. of Denmark, Copenhagen, 1981, pp. 42-45. - Nilsson, E. and Hansen, C.M.,
How Solvent Evaporates (in Swedish) (Hur Avdunstar Lösningsmedel),
Färg och Lack, 28, No. 1, 8-12, (1982). - Huldén, M. and Hansen, C.M.,
Moisture Transport in Coated Wood (in Swedish) (Fukttransport i Målat Trä),
Färg och Lack, 28, No. 2, 21-30, (1982). - Hansen, C.M.,
Organic Solvents in High Solids and Water-Reducible Coatings,
Prog. Org. Coatings, 10, No. 3, 331-352 (1982). - Hansen, C.M.,
Some Answered and Unanswered Questions about the Solubility Parameter, in Macromolecular Solutions- Solvent Property Relationships in Polymers,
R.B. Seymour and G.A. Stahl, Eds. Pergamon, New York, 1982, pp. 1-9. - Hansen, C.M.,
Solvent Technology in Product Development, in Advances in Modern Environmental Toxicology,
Vol. II - Occupational Health Hazards of Solvents, A. Englund, K. Ringen, and M.A. Mehlman, Eds., Princeton Scientific, Princeton, 1982, pp. 43-52. - Hansen, C.M., and Wallström, E.,
On the Use of Cohesion Parameters to Characterize Surfaces,
J. Adhesion, 15, No. 3/4, 275-286 (1983). - Holten-Andersen, J. and Hansen, C.M.,
Solvent and Water Evaporation from Coatings,
Prog. Org. Coatings, 11, No. 3, 219-240 (1983). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Solvent in Coatings” in Organic Science and Technology,
Vol. VI, G.D. Parfitt and A.V. Patsis, Eds., Marcel Dekker, New York, 1984, pp. 125-150. - Saarnak, A. and Hansen, C.M.,
Evaporation from High Solids Coatings (in Swedish) (Avdunstningen Från LF-Färger),
Färg och Lack, 30, No. 5, 100-105 (1984). - Lampe, K. and Hansen, C.M.,
Mechanism for the Blistering of Coatings on Metal (in German), (Mechanismen der Blasenbildung in Anstrichfilmen auf Metall),
Farbe und Lack, 90, No. 6, 464-468 (1984). - Huldén, M. and Hansen, C.M.,
Water Permeation in Coatings,
Prog. Org. Coatings, 13, No. 3/4, 171-194 (1985). - Lindberg, B. and Hansen, C.M.,
“Unwanted Photochemical Reactions in Polymer Coatings” in New Trends in the Photochemistry of Polymers,
N.S. Allen and J.F. Rabek, Eds. Elsevier, London, 1985, pp. 187-207. - Hansen, C.M.,
“The Systematic Choice of Material in Personal Protection Equipment for Organic Solvents” in Safety and Health Aspects of Organic Solvents,
Progress in Chemical and Biological Research Vol. 220, V. Riihimäki and U. Ulfvarson, Eds., Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 1986, pp. 297-302. - Hansen, C.M., and Hansen, K.M.,
Which Gloves Should I Put On? (in Danish) (Hvilke Handsker Skal Jeg Tage På?),
Färg och Lack, 33, No. 3, 45-49 (1987). - Hansen, C.M., and Andersen, B.H.,
The Affinities of Organic Solvents in Biological Systems,
Amer. Ind. Hyg. Assoc. J., 49, No. 6, 301-308 (1988). - Hansen, C.M., and Hansen, K.M.,
“Solubility Parameter Prediction of the Barrier Properties of Chemical Protective Clothing”,
Performance of Protective Clothing: Second Symposium, ASTM STP 989, S.Z. Mansdorf, R. Sager, and A.P. Nielsen, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1988, pp. 197-208. - Hansen, C.M.,
Some Results of Danish Solvent Research (in Danish) (Nogle Resultater af Dansk Opløsningsmiddelforskning),
Dansk Kemi, 69, No. 1, 22 (1988). - Hansen, C.M.,
Polymers as Barrier Materials (in Danish) (Plast som Barrieremateriale),
Plast Panorama, 38, No 11, 4-5 (1988). - Hansen, C.M.,
Solubility Parameters for Polyphenylene Sulfide (PPS) and Polyether Sulphone (PES),
Centre for Polymer Composites (Denmark), Danish Technological Institute, Taastrup, 1991, 89 pages. ISBN 87-7756-139-2 - Hansen, C.M.,
25 Years with Solubility Parameters (in Danish) (25 År med Opløselighedsparametrene),
Dansk Kemi, 73, No. 8, 18-22 (1992). - Hansen, C.M., Billing, C.B., and Bentz, A.P.,
“Selection and Use of Molecular Parameters to Predict Permeation Through Fluoropolymer-Based Protective Clothing Materials”,
The Performance of Protective Clothing; Fourth Volume, ASTM STP 1133, J.P. McBriarty and N.W. Henry, Eds., American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1992, pp. 894-907. - Hansen, C.M.,
Potential Errors in Water/Water Vapor Permeation Measurements Using the Cup Method,
Färg och Lack, 39, No. 3, 57-60 (1993). - Hansen, C.M.,
Solvent Resistance of Polymer Composites - Glass Fibre Reinforced Polyphenylene Sulfide,
Centre for Polymer Composites (Denmark), Danish Technological Institute, Taastrup, 1993, 62 pages. ISBN 87-7756-286-0 - Hansen, C.M.,
“Solubility Parameters and Coatings”,
European Coating Journal, 5/94, 305-317 (1994). - Hansen, C.M.,
Solvent Resistance of Polymer Composites - Glass Fibre Reinforced Polyether Sulfone (PES),
Centre for Polymer Composites (Denmark), Danish Technological Institute, Taastrup, 1994, ISBN 87-7756-363-8. - Hansen, C.M.,
The Resistance of PPS, PES and PA Polymer Composites to Temperature Cycling during Water Exposure,
Centre for Polymer Composites (Denmark), Danish Technological Institute, Taastrup, 1994, ISBN 87-7756-357-3. - Hansen, C.M.,
“Conservation and Solubility Parameters”,
Nordic Conservation Congress, Copenhagen, 1994. - Hansen, C.M.,
“Solvent Formulation and Personal Protection for Least Risk”,
14th International Conference on Coatings, Community and Care Preprints (Copenhagen) Paint Research Association, Teddington, 1994, pp.1-20. - Hansen, C.M.,
“Adhesion and the Droplet Observation Measurement of Industrial Surface Tensions”,
European Coatings Journal, 11/94, 838-846 (1994). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Puzzle by Hansen”,
Journal of Coatings Technology, Vol. 65, No. 832, 86 (1994). - Hansen, C.M., and Sevel, T.,
“Barrier Materials in Plastic and Rubber” (in Danish) (Barrierematerialer i Plast og Gummi),
Plast Panorama, Vol. 44, No. 9, 17-19 (1994). -
Ursin, C., Hansen, C.M., Van Dyk, J.W., Jensen, P.O., Christensen, I.J., and Ebbehoej, J.,
“Permeability of Commercial Solvents through Living Human Skin”,
American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Vol. 56, 651-660 (1995). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Solubility Parameters”,
in Paint Testing Manual, Manual 17, Koleske, J.V., Ed. American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1995, pp. 383-404. - Hansen, C.M.,
“New Developments in Corrosion and Blister Formation in Coatings”,
Progress in Organic Coatings, Vol. 26, 113-120 (1995). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Solubility Parameters and Water Soluble Polymers”,
Manuscript and lecture - Danish Society for Polymer Technology meeting, January 31, 1996. - Hansen, C.M.,
“New Simple Method to Measure Polymer Surface Tension”,
Manuscript and lecture - Danish Society for Polymer Technology, October 2, 1996. - Hansen, C.M.,
“Cohesion Parameters for Surfaces, Pigments, and Fillers” (In Danish) (Kohæsionsparametre for Overflader, Pigmenter og Fyldstoffer)
Färg och Lack Scandinavia, Vol. 43, No. 1, 5-10 (1997). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Dispersibility and Compatibility/General Considerations”,
Manuscript and lecture - Danish Society for Polymer Technology, April 30, 1997. - Hansen, C.M.,
“New Simple Methods to Measure Polymer Surface Tension”,
Pharmaceutical and Medical Packaging 1997 (Conference), Vol. 7, 7.1-7.9 (1997).ISBN 87-89753-22-4. - Hansen, C.M., and Björkman, A.,
“Insight into the Ultrastructure of Wood based on Solubility Parameter Considerations”,
Poster at 9th International Symposium on Wood and Pulping Chemistry, June 9-12, 1997, Marriott Chateau Champlain, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. - Hansen, C.M.,
“Polymer Solubility - Prigogine Theory and Hansen Solubility Parameters Mutually Confirmed”,
Nordiska Polymerdagarna 16-18 June, 1997. Lecture and Abstract. - Hansen, C.M.,
“Cohesion Parameters for Surfaces, Pigments, and Fillers”,
Surface Coatings International, Vol.80, No.8, 386-391 (1997). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Polymeropløselighed - Prigogines Teori om Korresponderende Tilstande og Hansen Opløselighedsparameterteori Bekræfter Hinanden” (Polymer Solubility - Prigogines Corresponding States Theory and Hansen Solubility Parameter Theory Confirm Each Other),
Dansk Kemi, Vol. 78, No. 9, 4-6 (1997). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Cohesion Energy Parameters Applied to Surface Phenomena”,
Handbook of Surface and Colloid Chemistry, K.S. Birdi, Ed., CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton FL, 1997, pp. 313-332. -
Anonymous (Hansen, C.M.),
“Spreading Surface Tension by the Applied Droplet Method”
Nordtest Method NT POLY 176. Adopted in 1997. - Hansen, C.M.,
“Aromastoffers Opløselighedsparametre” (in Danish),
"Solubility Parameters for Aromas and Scents". Plus Process, Vol. 11, No. 9, 16-17 (1997). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Permeability of Pharmaceutical and Medical Packaging”,
Pharmaceutical and Medical Packaging 1998 (Conference), Vol. 8, 7.1 – 7.16 (1998). ISBN 87-89753-24-0. - Hansen, C.M.,
“Ny Nordtestmetode Afslører Urene Overflader” (New Nordtest Method Easily Shows Contamination on Surfaces),
Industriel Overfladebehandling, Vol. 7, June 5-7, (1998). - Hansen, C.M., and Björkman, A.,
“The Ultrastructure of Wood from a Solubility Parameter Point of View”,
Holzforschung, Vol. 52, No. 4, 335-344 (1998). - Hansen, C.M.,
“New Simple Method to Measure Polymer Surface Tensions, Pigment & Resin Technology”,
Vol. 27, No. 6, 374-378 (1998). - Hansen, C.M.,
“New Nordtest Method Easily Shows Contamination on Surfaces, Pigment and Resin Technology”,
Vol. 27, No. 5, 304-307 (1998). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Solvent Selection for (Micro)-HPLC”,
Manuscript for Lecture at Conference on “Micro Separation, Recent Advances in Pharmaceutical, Food and Environmental Analysis”, Sept. 30 - Oct. 1, 1998. Danish Technological Institute. - Hansen, C.M.,
“Hansen Solubility Parameters - A User’s Handbook”,
CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton FL, 1999/2000. 208 pages. ISBN: 0-8493-1525-5. - Hansen, C.M., and Just, L.,
“Environmental Stress Cracking in Plastics”,
Pharmaceutical and Medical Packaging 1999 (Conference), Vol. 9, 7.1 - 7.7 (1999). ISBN 87-89753-26-7. - Hansen, C.M., and Just, L.,
“Prediction of Environmental Stress Cracking in Plastics with Hansen Solubility Parameters”,
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 40, No. 1, 21-25 (2001). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications of Hansen Solubility Parameters”,
Pharmaceutical and Medical Packaging 2001 (Conference), Vol. 11, Hexagon Holding, Copenhagen, 2001, pp. 20.1-20.10. ISBN 87-89753-37-2. - Hansen, C.M., and Just, L.,
“Water Transport and Condensation in Fluoropolymer Films”,
Progress in Organic Coatings, Vol. 42, Nos.3-4, 167-178 (2001). - Hansen, C.M.,
“On Predicting Environmental Stress Cracking in Polymers”,
Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 77, 43-53 (2002). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Environmental Stress Cracking of PTFE in Kerosene”,
Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 77, 511-513 (2002). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Cohesion Energy Parameters Applied to Surface Phenomena”,
Chapter 10 in Handbook of Surface and Colloid Chemistry, 2nd Ed., K.S. Birdi, Ed., CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton FL, 2002, pp. 539-554. - Hansen, C.M., and Just, L.,
Erfaringer med "Utæt" PTFE" (Experience with "Leaky" PTFE),
Plast Panorama, Vol. 35, No. 3, 34-35 (2003). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Aspects of Solubility, Surfaces, and Diffusion in Polymers”,
Nordic Polymer Days 2003, 40th Anniversary Congress, Copenhagen, August 25-27, 2003.(A discussion of 11 well-chosen figures and plots from over the past 40 years.). Presented at Special Symposium on the use of solubility parameters. - Hansen, C.M.,
“50 Years with Solubility Parameters - Past and Future”,
Manuscript for Plenary Lecture for Federation of Scandinavian Paint and Varnish Technologists Congress, September 8-9, 2003, Stockholm. Appeared in congress book. - Hansen, C.M., and F. Andersen,
“Analyse af brandskade på acrylvinduer” (Analysis of Fire Damage to Acrylic Windows),
Plast Panorama, Vol. 53, No. 7, 26-27 (2004). - Hansen, C.M., and Smith, A.L.,
“Using Hansen Solubility Parameters to Correlate Solubility of C60 Fullerene in Organic Solvents and in Polymers”,
Carbon, Vol. 42, No. 8-9, 1591-1597 (2004). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Aspects of Solubility, Surfaces, and Diffusion in Polymers”,
Progress in Organic Coatings, Vol. 51, No.1, 55-66 (2004). - Hansen, C.M.,
“50 Years with Solubility Parameters - Past and Future”,
Progress in Organic Coatings, Vol. 51, No. 1, 77-84 (2004). - Hansen, C.M.,
“Polymer Additives and Solubility Parameters”,
Progress in Organic Coatings, Vol. 51, No. 2, 109-112 (2004). - Nielsen, T.B., and Hansen, C.M.,
“Significance of Surface Resistance in Absorption by Polymers”,
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 44, No. 11, 3959-3965 (2005). - Nielsen, T. B., and Hansen, C.M.,
”Elastomer Swelling and Hansen Solubility Parameters”,
Polymer Testing, Vol. 24, 1054-1061 (2005). - Nielsen, T.B., and Hansen, C.M.,
“Surface Wetting and Prediction of Environmental Stress Cracking (ESC) in Polymers”,
Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 89, 513-516 (2005). - Richard S. Valpey, III, Charles M. Hansen, John Durkee,
Solubility Parameters of Industrial Surfactants,
2006 Annual AOCS Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri. - Hansen, C.M.,
“Hansen Solubility Parameters - A User’s Handbook”,
Second Edition, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton FL, 2007, 544 pages. ISBN: 0-8493-7248-8. - Hansen, C.M.,
Surface Characterization using Hansen Solubility Parameters,
Proceedings of the 28th Risø International Symposium on Material Science, Interface Design of Polymer Matrix Composites – Mechanics, Chemistry, Modelling, and Manufacturing, Eds. B.F. Sørensen, L.P. Mikkelsen, H. Lilholt, S. Goutianos, F.S. Abdul-Mahdi, Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, 2007, pp. 191-197. - Launay, H., Hansen, C.M., and Almdal, K.,
Hansen Solubility Parameters for a Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composite,
Proceedings of the 28th Risø International Symposium on Material Science, Interface Design of Polymer Matrix Composites – Mechanics, Chemistry, Modelling, and Manufacturing, Eds. B.F. Sørensen, L.P. Mikkelsen, H. Lilholt, S. Goutianos, F.S. Abdul-Mahdi, Risø National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, 2007, pp. 221-226. - Launay, H., Hansen, C.M., and Almdal, K.,
Hansen Solubility Parameters for a Carbon Fiber/Epoxy Composite,
Carbon, Vol. 45, 2859-2865(2007). - Hansen, C.M.
Hansen Solubility Parameters - A User’s Handbook”,
Second Edition, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton FL, 2007, 544 pages. ISBN: 0-8493-7248-8. -
Lara, J., Perron, G., Lemay, F., Drolet, D., Zhu, J., St Pierre, E., Chollot, A., and Hansen, C.,
Development of a Tool for Selection of Solvent Resistant Gloves using the Solubility Parameter Approach,
1st International Conference on Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), Bruges, Belgium, 2008. - Hansen, C.M.,
Selection of Chemical Protective Gloves – With No Data,
Danish Society for Polymer Technology Meeting, Copenhagen, February 28, 2008. - Srinivas, K., King, J.W., and Hansen, C.M.,
Prediction and Modeling of Solubility Phenomena in Subcritical Fluids Using an Extended Solubility Parameter Approach,
ACS-AIChE National Meeting, Spring April 6-10, 2008, New Orleans, Louisiana. - Hansen, Charles M.,
Hansen Solubility Parameters: Background and Uses,
Nordic Polymer Days, Stockholm, June 11-13, 2008. -
Kjellander, C.K., Nielsen, T.B., Ghanbari-Siahkali, A., Kingshott, P., Hansen, C.M., and Almdal, K.,
ESC Resistance of Commercial Grade Polycarbonates during Exposure to Butter and Related Chemicals,
Polymer Degradation and Stability, Vol. 93, 1486-1495 (2008). -
Drews, J., Launay, H., Hansen, C.M., West, K., Hvilsted, S., Kingshott, P., and Almdal, K.,
Hydrolysis and Stability of Thin Pulsed Plasma Polymerised Maleic Anhydride Coatings,
Applied Surface Science, Vol. 25, No. 15, 4720-4725 (2008). - Hansen, C.M.,
Polymer Science Applied to Biological Problems: Prediction of Cytotoxic Drug Interactions with DNA,
European Polymer Journal, Vol. 44, 2741-2748 (2008). - Abbott, S., Hansen, C.M., Yamamoto, H.,
eBook - Hansen Solubility Parameters in Practice - Complete with software,
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